Feel free to browse thru the many songs we have posted. Along with the lyrics we have also posted some videos, which we have found on Youtube.com, for most of the song. Although most of them are not the official videos, it is meant to help you hear how the song is sung/played. Each week, we will upload songs that we use for our weekly Praise and Worship along with a few extras. To find certian songs you can use the Archive on the sidebar of the webpage, search the song title or author in the Navbar at the top of the page or refer to the Alphabetical Archive found below. Any comments or question you have can be posted in the Cbox at the bottom or the sidebar. Thanks for visiting our directory...hope we have helped you find wat you need.

You're Worthy Of My Praise

Words and Music By David Ruis

Verse 1
I will worship (I will worship)
With all of my heart (with all of my heart)
I will praise You (I will praise You)
With all of my strength (all my strength)
I will seek You (I will seek You)
All of my days (all of my days)
I will follow (I will follow)
All of Your ways (all Your ways)

Chorus 1
I will give You all my worship
I will give You all my praise
You alone I long to worship
You alone are worthy of my praise

Verse 2
I will bow down (I will bow down)
And hail You as King (and hail You as King)
I will serve You (I will serve You)
Give You everything (everything)
I will lift up (I will lift up)
My eyes to Your throne (my eyes to Your throne)
I will trust You (I will trust You)
Trust You alone (You alone)


1991 Maranatha Praise, Inc. (Admin. by Music Services) Shade Tree Music (Maranatha! Music [Admin. by Music Services])

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